Thursday 22 May 2014


Bowling for columbine by Michael Moore as a movie and a documentary it puts a powerful perspective on the way the gun laws in the United States are they say having more guns will give you more safety when it’s the other way around. As the way the movie puts it the United States has way more gun murders than any country around the world witch be used to prove that guns and violence is not always the best answer. Canada and other country such as Australia and Germany they are harder on their gun rights and many people just use them for hunting not for protection.           

Thursday 6 February 2014

 The Hall Way Dream
Going down this Hall is like a dream you once had when you were a little 6th grader thinking it would take you forever to get to where the older kids are. But we are and it’s never going to be the same ever again. The end to this story of high school is just the beginning to a whole new world unexplored to your human eyes. You think back to being young for few seconds of your life wow its gone by really fast you never would have ever thought you would get here but you are here and look at what you have accomplished. High school is like getting your new car it has this new smell to it that has never been touched by your hands, that smell will fade way just like the excitement of graduating will fade away after you realized that this is the new beginning and high school was just the tutorial for the beginning, Later in life you will think back and be amazed how easy school was. Life after high school is the beginning to a new beginning from now on you don’t know what is beyond the horizon what is come from now on after will be a big surprise.  

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Randy hes is a character like no other. He likes to have fun but be safe all at the same time. He often sees himself like Goofy always on the search for fun and goes on adventures but ends up looking in the wrong direction. He has many sides to him but most of the time it is his silly angle. He can do really silly things and do things people would have never have thought he would do. Ther e are people from around the world that can dress the same and cant the same but a person like  Randy there is no other. He works hard to keep the relationship with others such as family or friends. To him he is like Nemo he many not be able to do things like other people can but who he is he works with it even if its a big part of him it will be a small part of his life. Just becasue you cant do things like other people dosent mean you are not as good as they are.